Do you know what made Zappos such a great company? It wasn’t that they were selling shoes online – they weren’t the first ones to do that.

It was the way Zappos connected with their customers. They had a few philosophies they lived by such as:

  • The customer is always right even when he or she is wrong.
  • You can make your customers happy by focusing on the experience instead of just the product.
  • By making things convenient for your customers, such as a 365-day return policy, you will win their loyalty.

Connecting with your customers on an emotional level is important because if you do, they will be 300% more likely to recommend you. Or, better yet, they will be 44% less likely to shop around, and they will be 33% less sensitive when it comes to your price.

To help you connect with your customers, I decided to create an infographic that will teach you how to engage with them and appeal to their wants.

why every business should blog


Never take your customers for granted because they are the lifeblood of your company. From going above and beyond to make each of them feel special to helping them out even when it may not make sense, putting your customers first will help you increase your revenue in the long run.

What I learned the hard way is that if you don’t truly care about your customers, it will be hard for you to connect with them. When you care about people, you’ll naturally want to do your absolute best to help them out.

This is the same reason why I respond to comments on Quick Sprout. It’s not that I have to respond to you. I do it because I want to.